Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The CT scan showed that all that remains of the tumors are a couple of tiny blips. These are most likely scar tissue, but they might be cancer cells. This is the best possible outcome anyone could have hoped for: "excellent," in the words of my plain-spoken radiation oncologist. The official report won't be ready until tomorrow, but I saw the photos.

I am teary eyed as I type this. I think I am structured for delayed reaction - at the time I saw the pix I was pretty numb, in fact all day until just a few minutes ago I've been pretty numb. In fact I've been pretty numb, or else teary, for weeks now. For this reason I have been referred to a psychologist. Apparently it is quite normal for patients to be depressed at this stage of the game, the "Now what" phase. The active fight against the cancer is over; now and for the next two years I will get a scan every three months and watch to see if there's any change. They say most people need help with this transition, so I am going to go ahead and see if any of these psychologists is in my insurance plan, and then take it from there.

In short, the word for today is "shrinkage."


elpaseo.communitygarden@gmail.com said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Yahoo!!!


Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! I can't help feeling like you made this good news happen, with your strength, determination and spirit. No doubt you'll feel a mix of emotions moving forward -- what a wild ride.

I'll call you soon to see when you can come up to Evanston for a little R&R (lunch and walk along the beach). We love you, Valjean!!

Betsy, Chris, Nick & Alice

bonnie mcgrath said...

all i can say is, "I TOLD YOU SO." this is totally thrilling--although i knew cancer cells wouldn't be any match for you. you really combined the best of two worlds--taking advantage of the best of modern medicine while not ignoring all the other things that we all can do in a situation like this.... and you, my dear, did it all perfectly!!! i am so happy for you i can't describe it!! love, b

Anonymous said...


Very happy for you! Now for the Memorial Day sesshin! :-)


bonnie mcgrath said...

and one more good thing--it looks like mugabe has lost control of the parliament in zim--based on the recount so far, according to this morning's news.. that should make you feel good, too!! love, b

Anonymous said...

I am glad that keeping my fingers crossed seems to have helped.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Great news. I've heard reports through Sally H, and this sounds like the best. Those cells are no match for your strenght+docs.

Sometimes the bumps in the road... are the road.

Bob Schneiger
(cancer-free 8 years)