Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still Struggling

Don't worry, I haven't done myself in, but I'm still struggling with anxiety and depression. Am on Lorazepam for anxiety, which helps, and Effexor for an antidepressant, which hasn't yet kicked in full force. I've had two sessions with a Ph.D. psychotherapist, who tells me he doesn't think I need a psychiatrist, that he and my primary care doctor should be able to manage me medically. I am trying to keep busy and active, and will be heading down to Champaign tomorrow for a few days of a zen intensive retreat, returning Saturday after breakfast. I will be leaving Tuesday, May 27, for Mexico, returning June 3, so don't worry if I don't blog again before June. Thanks to everyone for your expressions of love and concern. They mean a lot to me.

1 comment:

bonnie mcgrath said...

ok, but you better blog after mexico and give us nontravellers a travelogue.. love, b