Saturday, June 21, 2008

Good Progress!

Update from Giudi

Those of us who had been with Valjean on Thursday were overjoyed to see her on Friday. The meds seem to have kicked in with gusto, and she's breathing much more easily, using a lighter oxygen mask some of the time, and speaking up in no uncertain terms to the docs and system that allowed her to get to the point she was at when she was admitted. She's hungry, but not yet allowed to eat anything more substantial than jello.

In the afternoon she underwent a procedure to insert a small tube to drain the fluid that's around her lungs, though that's a relatively minor part of the acute problem.

She had several visitors Friday, and it visibly lifted her spirits. So, close friends, if you have a few minutes to drop by in the next few days, Valjean says you are welcome: Northwestern Memorial, Feinberg Bldg, Room 907. This is the medical ICU. Visits should be short and quiet, no flowers. In particular, try not to let Valjean talk much (yeah, right...); she needs to conserve all her energy for breathing. The phone in her room is turned off, but you can call the main hospital number, 312.926.2000, if you want to make sure she's still in that room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are we missing an opprotunity to be grateful?