Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Last Day of Winter

Since last Friday or so, when the steroids from my March 11 chemo started wearing off, I have felt pretty much like one continuous bad hangover. My cousin Prince Phil took me for a blood draw yesterday to see if I was dehydrated or missing magnesium or whatever, and the numbers showed all as it should be -- in fact, better than expected. The nurse said this was just what Round 3 of chemo feels like. She offered to have me come in today to be hooked up to IV rehydration and electrolytes, but I woke up this morning feeling better, thank heavens, and have actually felt civilized for much of the day.

During the dark days I didn't want to read, or do much of anything except watch TV. Those of you who know me well know that my TV is a tiny (maybe 14-inch) Sony Trinitron that dates from the late 1970s or early 1980s. The antenna is stuck on with silly putty. I keep it in a low cabinet in the living room and, not being a cable subscriber, really don't watch it much. But when all one wants to do is watch TV, one needs a better setup.

I DO intend to enter the 21st century with a flat screen and cable, as soon as I figure out my redecorating scheme, and where I want the new TV to go. But meanwhile, yesterday as I was channel surfing through Judge Judy and Dr. Phil (you KNOW I was not feeling well), I decided at a minimimum to bring the TV out into daylight and up to a reasonable height, meaning I needed a TV table on wheels.

Enter Laura S. this morning, who whisked me off to Target. Not only did she help me find, purchase and schlep the table, she also helped me assemble it. The results are as pictured, and I am thrilled. Not only that, I haven't even watched it yet, a sign of my improved health and spirits. Many thanks, Laura.
On another up note, my car is back in my possession, thanks to Scott J. , who hauled me through rush hour traffic on Milwaukee Avenue last night to go fetch it before the shop closed at 6.
As I write this, the sun is shining on my back porch, my cat Sasha has found the perfect spot for enjoying it, and my house is full of the scent of half a dozen lillies that have opened in the past 2-3 days, just in time for the last day of winter. Yesterday I considered throwing them out, despite their beauty, because the scent was so pervasive, and I was so sick. The radio says today is the last day of winter. Tomorrow is the vernal equinox. Today I appreciate the lilies, and though I'm not back to my perky best, I'm grateful for the improvement. Let that be a lesson to me, if not to you.

1 comment:

bonnie mcgrath said...

cute pic. of laura s. she looks like you... glad the tv is now viewing height... i have an old trinitron around here somewhere myself. your post makes me long for the days when i enjoyed it so!!
am going to try to get to dolly wests kitchen as it is closing this weekend.. --on your recommendation.. have a good easter weekend!! love, b