Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Step by Step

On Tuesday Valjean took the first steps toward hospice care, meeting with Ken, a nurse from Seasons Hospice. He struck us as an empathetic man, experienced and knowledgeable in his field. He made it clear that home and inpatient hospice are both feasible for VJ, that they are not mutually exclusive, and that neither is an irrevocable choice -- she may move from one to another, as her needs change. No one is pushing her precipitously toward a decision, and we may look into other hospices as well, but I left the discussion feeling significantly more positive about Valjean's options.

Wednesday brought many visitors...after I had left, so I rely here on Kate's report. Among them was Elihu, Valjean's Zen teacher from Champagne, who left her in what Kate describes as "a very placid yet positive, almost joyful mood." Her friends Steve and Lilly also arrived from Canada -- but before they were able to see VJ, Lilly was admitted to the USS Northwestern with a badly infected finger. ("Couldn't they wheel her in here and we can have a pajama party?" asked Valjean.)

I had left Valjean this morning when the physical therapist came in -- I assumed to move her legs around a bit. Would that I had stayed! The grapevine now informs me that in fact the PT got her to stand up and take a couple of steps. Small and stumbling though they were, this may bring her one step closer to home.


Anonymous said...

Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for one step at a time. I will cheer for that. Keep those positive thoughts and prayers a-comin'.

This time I am sending a warm glowing lime green light to surroung you completely with strenghth,hope and healing energy.

Patricia Casey

Anonymous said...

i am not sure anyone reads this any longer but i would like to thank the VJournal and all her friends for keeping this here. her blog explained steps that my brother is taking now and what to look for and to compare his symptoms, etc. i am sorry for the lost of your sister and friend and grieve for your loss. if you still read, please say prayers for my brother. thank you.