Thursday, January 17, 2008


Yesterday the Prairie Zen Center in Champaign, IL, began a period of intensive meditation practice, or sesshin (in Japanese). This morning one of the members emailed me: "4:25 AM. Sipping some coffee before I head over for the first morning of sesshin and thinking of you.
Much love....... "

In the Japanese zen tradition, Kanzeon is the Buddha of compassion. She takes the female form and is known in Chinese as Kwan Yin. I have also heard her called White Tara -- I am not sure if this is her Korean name or Tibetan. In the Catholic tradition she is the Blessed Mother. My friend's email was the day's first manifestation of Kanzeon.
To me, the linear accelerator that delivers my radiation therapy is another manifestation of Kanzeon. Years ago in Champaign I learned a Japanese chant to this Buddha of compassion that is very rhythmic and beautiful. I have made it a practice to chant this sutra silently while I'm lying on the accelerator table, as well as many other times during the day. I think of it as the zen Hail Mary. Last weekend when I was meditating over at the Cenacle Retreat House, Taigen Dan Leighton gave me a rough translation of this hymn of praise--in part: "Joyful, pure, eternal. Every morning, Kanzeon. Through the night, Kanzeon."
It took all of human history to create this machine that gathers electrons from the dawn of creation, herds them into shapes that match my tumors, accelerates and hurls them against this cancer that is trying to kill me. Joyful, pure, eternal. Every morning, Kanzeon. Through the night, Kanzeon. Amen.

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