Saturday, January 12, 2008


After a mini-break from blogging, I had thought to devote tonight's entry to a tutorial on women and lung cancer. But you are spared, at least for the time being. Instead, I simply wish to acknowledge what deep delight it was to indulge in my first real bath -- not shower -- since all this began.

This was a day of small and large pleasures. "Restorative yoga" at Gilda's. Doing a couple of loads of laundry, changing the sheets. Luxuriating in the tub. Talking with my dear friend John in Northern Ireland, and Judy H upon her return from Greece (and a 6.5 earthquake). Preparing and consuming three delicious, small meals, with a fourth planned for after my return from tonight's outing: Vitalist Theatre's production of David Hare's "The Bay at Nice." This is a little company associated with my alma mater, Knox College. Their production of "Mother Courage" last year was just terrific.

My friend and classmate Leonard Borden observed early on in our conversations about cancer that his liberal arts education was indispensable to his ability to combat and survive the disease (not to mention our health care system). I have always appreciated my Knox education, but never more than now. The support of Knox classmates and professors remains invaluable. So does the intellectual infrastructure I acquired there. It sustains me, and I am deeply grateful.

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