Friday, December 14, 2007

Kindness spoken here

Dave Fiore has been my dentist for more than 20 years - I think I was among his first patients in the early 1980s. His work was cut out for him. The only other dentist I had ever seen was a friend of my mother's from the old Polish neighborhood, who didn't believe in continuing medical education and once told me that flossing could harm my gums. In Dr. Fiore's old office on Halsted Street, there used to be a sign: "Kindness spoken here." Dr. Fiore's hygienist, Amy, is one of my favorite people. I just came back from their office, where I went to get my teeth cleaned ( I don't want to go into treatment with a mouth full of plaque). At the end of my hour, Amy presented me with a card signed by everyone in the place, plus a soft sweater and scarf to keep me comfy to and from treatment. Dave held my hand. We all had a cry and a hug. The universe provides.

Now to track down my pathology slides and path report and the other paperwork I need to bring with me to my second opinion appointment next week. After that I have some reading to do to prepare myself to understand what these docs are talking about. So most likely I will turn off the phones for a while. Please don't feel offended if you're trying to reach me. I will get in touch eventually, but I've been spending hours on the phone every day, and for the next few days I need to focus on getting educated. xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I love my dentist (David Fiore) even more.
Please let me know what I can do-Im available to drive whenever you need it.
All my thoughts are with you. xxa