Thursday, December 13, 2007

Why we need health care reform

This is my only chance to write today, so I'll make it quick. Feel good physically, am heading in a couple of hours for my PET scan, which will leave only one more test for Monday (pulmonary function). Am meeting Tuesday at 2:40 with pulmonary oncologist, presumably to get her recommendations. Decided to make appointment today with a lung cancer guru at Rush to obtain a second opinion, and phoned insurance company to inquire whether this was covered. This led to more than half an hour on the phone with Unicare, mostly on hold. The initial customer service rep couldn't find the name of my guru in her system. I asked her to check onN'Western Memorial and Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Care Center, while I had her on the phone, and she said that Northwestern Memorial's contract was canceled August 31. Someone from Unicare told me this the other day, too, though Northwestern assured me there's not a problem. I explained to Unicare that NMH and my docs are all listed as participating providers on the company's web site, and she said the web site is out of date. Since AUGUST? How long does it take to update a web site? I had a mini-meltdown and started working my way up the food chain, and eventually received assurance from a supervisor who identified herself as "Kristi B" that the two institutions are participating providers. Then we turned to the question of the second-opinion guru, who is listed on Unicare's web site. Kristi said she couldn't find him in her system. She told me that it is my responsibility to phone Unicare to verify participating provider status no matter what the web site says. Then she either hung up on me or we were cut off. I suspect Kristi was looking up my guru at Northwestern, not at Rush, but I am rattled and cannot take another half hour on the phone with Unicare right now. I'm sure this will all work out, but these interactions so far have been the most upsetting aspect of this whole experience.

On a brighter note, had some lovely conversations and email exchanges earlier today with family and friends. There is so much love in my life, I am truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

The saying "What stands in the way is the Way" might be useful in the days ahead.


Kris said...


Your email reached me while I was in India. I just got back this morning and want you to know how much you've been on my mind. One day at a time, girlfriend. There will be blessings. Thank you for showing your love by letting us help.

We can help you negotiate with the insurance weasles. Let us sit on hold while they check records. You have enough to deal with without the insurance hassles. I'm available weekends and Christmas week to make those calls, so add my name to your volunteer list.

I have no holiday obligations and ditto Stephanie's invitation for something fun. Tea at the Ritz? Or just hanging out time -- you know the number.

Muchisimo carino,
