Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Team leader: My kind of girl

Today Giudi Weiss drove me to meet with Dr. P, pulmonary oncologist (lung cancer specialist) . I liked her a lot and feel I am in good hands. She's smart, beautiful, compassionate, a leader in her field, direct but gentle, very human. She will lead my multidisciplinary care team. Tomorrow I get a brain MRI at 11, Thursday a PET scan at 5:15. My dear friend Barbara U, a retired logistical manager, will drive me to the MRI. I've asked her to organize volunteers for when treatment begins. I'll mostly need drivers, also possibly other help, depending on side effects. I am so blessed--I have a four-page list of volunteers already. For the next week the main goal is to get this cancer staged, that is, see if it has moved beyond the chest, and to understand what we're dealing with. Then the team will talk it over and put a treatment plan together, probably a combo of chemo/radiation, but they can't really say til the cancer is staged. I will most likely obtain a second opinion, possibly a third and fourth. At this point it looks like treatment will start right after the holidays. Stay tuned for details on possible side effects, etc. Meanwhile, my job is to bulk up. The good news is I'm going into this in good shape and in reasonably good spirits. People like me seem to do best, so that's a comfort. That's it for tonight--I'm pooped, having spent several hours at the hospital and on the phone getting pre-authorizations and pre-registrations sorted out. Will check in tomorrow after the MRI.


Anonymous said...

Please sign me up as a driver after Jan.11th when I'm back in town. I'll be at school Monday and Wednesdays, but will be available most other days.

Captain Future said...

Hi Val--sorry to hear about all this, glad to hear you've got Leonard on your side. I remember writing to him at the time I learned of his diagnosis but haven't been in touch with him since before the last time I saw you, which was sooo long ago!

Your gift for friendship, and for keeping in touch looks like it's coming back to you now. I don't know what I can do from the wilderness of far northern California, but send good vibes. Then again, my good vibes are pretty powerful. Love--
Bill Kowinski aka on blogspot-- Captain Future

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news. I can only imagine how hard and exhausting things are right now; but I'm confident that your impressive strength, positive thinking, and loving support network will help you through the experience.
Please know that we are thinking about you and sending all our best wishes.
Eva and Keren

sarah e. lauzen said...

just heard via gw and my thoughts go out to you. I will revisit the vjournal for news. my cats send their good wishes. and so does elvis, who is here. you see? ALL of us are thinking of you, wishing you the best.