Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Learning curve

Met w. oncologist at Northwestern, today. She presented two treatment options: one the standard approach to this disease (2 cycles of chemo concurrent with 6-7 wks radiation, possibly followed by 1-2 more cycles of chemo), the other a clinical trial using a different drug but similar schedule (2 cycles chemo concurrent with 6-7 weeks radiation, definitely followed by 2 more cycles of chemo). Tomorrow I get a second opinion from a guru at Rush. Leonard continues to be invaluable as a guide to how to approach decision making and also as a researcher and information source. He may come with us tomorrow to see the second-opinion guru. "Us" is Giudi Wand me. Giudi has been a superb recording secretary. There is a steep learning curve with this stuff, and not much time to climb it, so I'm asking people not to phone for a few days so that I can focus on what I need to focus on. Please don't be offended if I don't get back to you right away. I will get back to you eventually. Love, Valjean

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How great that you have support and experience on your team...