Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Long day

Spent 5 hours at Rush getting a second opinion. Registration was about 2 hours. Short version: the Rush guru says go with Northwestern's clinical trial, on grounds of fewer side effects and potentially much better outcome, even cure. I have some more due diligence to do tomorrow, but that's the direction I'm leaning in. On the bureaucratic front, my insurance company wants info on the clinical trial to present to their review panel of docs/nurses before they will cover it, and I've run into some snags making this happen. Believe I may have been talking to the wrong person, and hope I've now emailed the right person. My oncologist's physician assistant phoned a message saying not to worry about financing the treatment - I left a message saying that I'm reluctant to take on a few hundred thousand in medical bills without knowing what portion, if any, will be covered by my insurance. I'm feeling more hopeful about the clinical side, and figure that eventually the bureaucratic snafus will sort themselves out. Nothing more profound to share tonight; am headed for a nice bubble bath, a half hour on the meditation cushion, and bed. If anyone knows a good health insurance attorney, email me. Love to all.

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